Our Process

Initial meeting

During the initial meeting you will be asked to describe what you want to change and what your budget is. Do you want to modernize your old- fashion kitchen? Or does your bathroom need new tiles? Or perhaps you want to change the layout of your apartment so there will be more room for you and your family? At this point, we will also take rough measurements to draw up an initial estimate.



Our creative designer will help you brainstorm ideas and choose the most attractive design and materials that suit your lifestyle and budget.


Finalizing a quote

Here, you will be provided with a detailed quote that will include labor and materials needed for your renovation.


Signing a contract

Once you are completely satisfied with the quote, you will be asked to sign a contract.    The contract will list all the points from the quote plus the terms of payment.


Setting a time

Now it is time to schedule a date and the work begins! If there is a need for any permits, we will do it prior to the scheduled time.


The work is underway

We will keep you updated on the progress of the project. Should any issues arise, we will resolve them promptly and efficiently.


The work is done

The project is completed and you are truly satisfied with the outcome! Plus, there is warranty coverage of one year for labor.